EN SVIT AKVARELLER med bildformatet 113 x 113 mm, från 2014–15. Bilderna är av den typ som kommer till efter ett större engagerande projekt – för att fylla upp i det ”tomrum” som brukar följa. Idén är att någon måste bli den allra sista. Den tanken är inspirationen till den här lilla bildserien som handlar om ensamhet.
(Nu också som bildspel.)

- The Interplanetar Fight.
- All Ruins, all Ashes.
- Night was falling and then…
- The Great Tempest.
- How to clean a Planet.
- The only One.
- Earth love
- Walking on Earth
- A Well on Earth
- A Rainy Day on Earth
- Waiting at the BUS Stop on Earth
- A Day at the Beach.
- Walking in a Cornfield
- High Mountains on Earth
- Circles
- Narcicism on Earth
- The Swing at the Edge of Earth
- Bedtime on Earth
- Sunset Scenery.
- Plague arrives.
- A Diminutive sense of Decency on Earth.
- A Hidden Pond on Earth.
- Stealing Carrots is a Deadly Sin on Earth.
- Grape’s Coming Well on Earth.
- Separated Bedroom on Earth.
- Hard Labour on Earth.
- ”Let’s make a fiest!”
- Party Preparations
- Frivolities on Earth.
- A Hangover.
- Annunciation on Earth.
- Nausea.
- A Serious Talk on Earth
- Planning the Future.
- Dissapointment.
- Anger on Earth.
- Frustration on Earth.
- Loneliness.
- Poultry arrives.
- Productivity on Earth.
- Work on Earth.
- A letter.
- Surprise on Earth.
- Reunion.
- A Fatal Lightning.
- Preparing Supper.
- Amniotic Fluid on Earth
- Labour pains.
- Birth on Earth.
- Lacking a Rooster
- Maternity.
- A Minute of Reflection.
- Back in the Cornfield.
- A Finding at the Shore.
- Drifting Away.